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Explore a wealth of collections and research about natural sciences, history, technology and First Peoples from Museums Victoria in Australia.
First Peoples visitors please be aware that this website contains images, voices or names of deceased persons.
Certain records contain language or include depictions that are offensive both culturally and generally.
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To recognise and celebrate International Women's Day here are some highlights from Museums Victoria's collection that feature women illustrators, farmers, scientists and activists.
Museums Victoria's numismatics collection is the most important of its kind in Australia, and the collection of Australian coins is the most significant in the world. This display of famous Australian coins, brilliant ancient coins, and beautiful French art medals includes some of the stunning treasures in the collection. Now on show at Melbourne Museum.
The Sunrise Collection is a recent Museums Victoria acquisition that reveals how a small group of teachers were exploring the possibilities of computing in education during the 1980s. It is a fascinating example of teachers going the 'extra mile' to improve learning outcomes for students. Check out some of the collection and a film about it below.
Explore a wealth of collections and research about natural sciences, history, technology and First Peoples from Museums Victoria in Australia.